Sunday, October 31, 2010

Things not going as planned makes me stress.

Stress makes me emotional. And that leads to irrational crying.

So today I made myself feel like a complete and total idiot. I was sitting in my SAO class when a slide popped up reminding us that out initiation was December 4th. I took one hard look at that and immediately started stressing out. That was the same day I had bought tickets to see GCN with Brianna and Brittany. How did I forget about initiation?! Ugh! If that wasn't enough, my little sister texted me and told me that my dad gave Snowball {my cat} away 10 days ago.
{I'm going to miss her...}

He didn't even tell me, and he just told Jennifer today. We had her for over ten years :( Honestly, my dad pulled a major jerk move, and I can't wait to tell him how I feel about it. So yeah, basically I broke down while I was on the phone with my sister after class. After I talked to her about what was going on with the cat, I told her about the whole screw-up with the tickets and just started beating myself up over it. Brittany, Brianna, and I were getting so excited about that weekend and now it's not possible. Then I was worried because I didn't know what to do with those tickets and I didn't know if I'd be able to even see the show at all. That made me feel awful not only because I really want to see it, but also because I want to be there to support everyone. So much effort is put forth, and I especially wanted to see Heather and Nikki's choreography be performed. As a friend, I needed to be there... In the middle of the waterworks, Jenn and Nicole came out and talked to me for a little bit. It calmed me down, which I greatly appreciated. On the walk back to my dorm, I ran into Abbey {my sorority "aunt"}. She asked me if I was okay, so naturally I verged on breakdown again. But she reassured me. She gave me a hug and told me, "You have, family, friends, and God on your side. Something has to work out!" And she was so incredibly right! {If I had realized that to begin with I would have saved myself some mild embarrassment.} I gave her another hug before departing and she said "Keep calm and carry on." I kind of love that :) {It was a quote from the British government back in WWII.} It was just really relieving to be reminded that everything does work itself out. So, upon returning to my dorm, I told Brittany about it, and she completely understood. The first words out of her mouth were, "Don't feel bad because we can't go." Of course I did anyways, but I love that my friends are so understanding. She could have easily been angry or frustrated for my mix-up, but she wasn't at all.  I then called my mom and told her, and we indeed worked it out. Her, Johnny, and Jennifer will use the tickets I already purchased, and I bought a ticket for a show the following weekend. I'm still kind of bummed that Brittany and Brianna can't come {because that's the weekend before finals}, but I will definitely be bringing them to Richmond another weekend very soon. As for all of my loves back home, I cannot wait to see all of you. I know this post was one big tangent, and for that I apologize. That was just really stressful for me and I though this might be a good way to work it out of my system. I love you all! Goodnight, and sleep tight :)

Part of Brittany's favorite verse:
"God has said, 
   'Never will I leave you; 
      never will I forsake you.'"
{Hebrews 13:5}


E.B. said...

i love that verse. it makes me happy :)

E.B. said...

ps. thats really sad about your cat. but i'm glad you got tickets for the show!

Heather Tobey said...

1) I am a friend fail and should have skyped you last night... if that happens again be like "Heather, you need to skype me." MK?

2) I hate that snow ball isn't gonna be home for you to snuggle with :(

3) I am SO happy that you still get to come!!! Woohoo! What day will you be coming?! We must still go out after!

4) I love love love you!

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