Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Why are her hands so cold?"

"It's because her heart's cold and it's spreading." Thanks a lot Brittany! I knew you were the mean twin! Hahaha. I'm not gonna lie though, the snippy sarcasm humors me :)

Okay! So today was pretty awesome. I got to sleep in an extra two hours because we did a discussion board instead of having to go to class! I was able to slowly get myself awake and ready for the day before going to my writing class, which wasn't bad at all. Then I met up with Brianna at D-hall for a delicious lunch complete with yummy froyo. I then made a pit-stop by Starbucks on my way to government, and I ran into Ariel, Leslie, Christa, and Brittany from SAO :) That was lovely! Government was easy to get through, and I spent a good chunk of time in Brianna and Brittany's room once I got back to the dorm. Brittany and I picked out classes to take next semester. That eventually turned into a youtube video escapade, haha. {Shocker, I know.} The three of us trekked over to east campus to meet up with our small groups for dinner around 6, at which point we went our separate ways. I requested an application for IV's justice team tonight! Eeeep! Please be praying that Brittany, Brianna, and I will be picked! We want too so badly. Brittany and I had an hour to kill before our small group would be back on the ISAT steps for the scavenger hunt, so we wandered for a bit before we eventually ended up outside. Yeah, a word of advice, don't climb the statues.... Some man who works in ISAT saw me try and almost took down my JAC card number.... Luckily he let me off with a warning. Guess I won't be doing THAT again. Oh well. The scavenger hunt started at 10, and it was definitely a fun time! We answered trivia questions, made a human pyramid, untied our human knot, spelled out JMU with our bodies, and Melissa, Kaci, and I even sang the Bed Intruder song! Hahaha! We didn't actually complete all of the tasks {because another group had already won essentially}, but we got spider rings as a consultation prize! Teehee, mine's purple :) At any rate, Brianna, Brittany, myself, and some girls from Brittany's small group went to the Dog pound after all of that to get some food and hot beverages. I got a nice steamy cinnamon bun and some hot apple cider! It was SO good! After returning to Eagle and thawing out a bit, the twins and I decided to watch Aladdin. However, we were all about ready to pass out, so we turned it off after the "Prince Ali" song. That was my cue to shower, get ready for bed, and type up this blog! I am rather tired now, so I suppose I shall take my leave. I love you all!


Jenn's other favorite verse:
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
       but heartache crushes the spirit."
{Proverbs 15:13}


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