Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Only tuesday?!

Oh hey! Haha. I'm stoked to be coming home and seeing all of my darling loves this weekend! Eeeep! You have NO idea! Hurry up Friday!!!!! Oh dear, I'm getting ahead of myself; haha....

Okay, so today was pretty decent I suppose. I got up around 10:15 because I felt like I was going to die of a heat stroke being underneath my covers. {Well, that's a bit of a hyperbole, but you know what I mean.} After checking facebook, twitter, and blogger {the usual}, I struggled to get through the rest of my notes for my PSYC chapter. I got the notes finished, but not the chapter. You see, I had to go see my GWRTC professor about my paper that he so kindly reviewed for me. I know I've mentioned this before, but it makes me feel so awesome when I get positive feedback on my writing! Aside from the occasional wording change or miscellaneous suggestions, everything was all good! Literally, he wrote the word "good" six times throughout the course of my essay, haha. It's so reassuring! Anyways, from there I rushed over to Market One to get lunch. I really am an awful time manager, I was so hungry by that point! I managed to finish my food before my class at 2 though, so that was a plus. I once again avoided having to present my speech in GCOM today, but that just means I have to do it next time. Womp! PSYC was long as usual. From there, I went and had dinner with Ariel :) We got to chat about our personalities and our relationships with family and friends. It's always nice to kind of see where others are coming from or how they relate to others; it allows you to know them on a more personal level, I think. Once we finished eating, we had to drive over to Memorial to see a less-than-entertaining documentary for government. At least I got back to my dorm at a decent hour though! I was able to start/complete my SOCI homework, edit my paper, and chill with Brittany and Brianna all before 1:30! Success? I think so :) While we're on the topic of those crazy twins that I love so much, let me share this with you: They know every word to this song! {Along with SEVERAL other MaryKate and Ashley songs...}

Haha! Well my loves, I am quite tired. But before I depart, I want to share an excerpt with you that come from Sheri Rose Shepherd's "His Princess: Love Letters from Your King."
My Princess... 
I know the world whispers in your ear that what you possess defines who you are, and what you like determines your worth. This is a lie, My love. The generations to come will never remember you for the things you accumulate or the efforts you placed in your appearance. In fact, the harder you strive to collect more things and to perfect your image, the more insecure you will be about who you and why you are here. I am in you and you are in Me. I will give you all that you need. Now go and walk through your world in the confidence that I've uniquely equipped you with all you [need] to impact the lives of those around you forever! 
Love, Your King and your Confidence (Proverbs 3:26) 
Sweet dreams, dear friends :)


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH! I totes saw this book in barnes and nobles and I didnt have cash on me but I was like Next time I go in there im buying it! This is total reassurance lol

Heather Tobey said...

I needed to hear that this morning. So, thank you! Oh em gee! You are coming hooome! Sushi-O is calling our name!

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