Thursday, October 7, 2010

"Just stay strong..."

"'Cause you know I'm here for you, here for you." {Avril}
{The walk back from Skyline.}

These days just keep getting longer and longer. Maybe it's because I'm lacking motivation, or maybe it's because I'm running on four-ish hours of sleep... At any rate, I only vaguely recall what went on in SOCI today. I went to the commons in between that and writing class to buy a "Price of Life" tee-shirt from IV's justice team.
{This is the actual shirt design.}

All of the proceeds are going straight to World Vision to aid their efforts in preventing human/sex trafficking. I was stoked. I had lunch with my Big {Ariel}, and that was lovely :) I just wish we had had more time! Anyways, once government was over, I got Starbuck's with Abbey {who technically is my great aunt or some crazy sorority family member, haha}. It was really easy to talk her. Interviewing her wasn't awkward or anything; it was more of a conversation than anything, which was nice :) We were there for quite some time, and I enjoyed my cup of vanilla rooibos tea ever!
It was so delicious, I bought a canister of it for my room :) When I finally made it back to Eagle, I talked to Brianna and Andrea until it was time to meet up with Kristina for her birthday dinner! Seven of us enjoyed a lovely dinner at Madison Grill, where we could actually sit down and be served. That may sound odd, but everywhere is is serve-yourself! Thus, it was a lovely change of scene. Oh! And I bought this ring from Richelle's Etsy! I'm so excited! Anyways, I spent a majority of this evening with Brianna in her room. We talked, did some homework, tried {and failed} to go see the free movie premier of "Life As We Know It", coughed, laughed, and basked in our sickly-ness. I did enjoy my evening :)

However, I am filled with worry. Worry for numerous people who I care about very much. From the get-go I loathed the thought of having to leave all of you. I knew that if any of you every needed anything, anything at all, I would be here to help you in any way I could {if you wanted me to be}. Now, being so far away, I know that you have struggles, anxiety, and burdens, yet I cannot physically do anything to be of service. I hate that more than anything. I want to say I'm sorry, but most of you are probably sitting there going, "Why are you sorry?! You're in college! It's not like you moved away forever." But... I just wish I could literally be there for you, all of you. I love you all with all of my heart, and I miss you dearly!

Abbey's favorite verse:
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
{Joshua 1:9}


Nikki said...

thanks love. I needed that verse.

Heather Tobey said...

gosh, i love you. you're the greatest. seriously!

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