Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why is it

that every time I brush my tongue {while I'm brushing my teeth of course} I hit a gag reflex? It's annoying. And anyone who sees that is probably wondering what the heck is wrong with me. Oh well, haha.

Today was another long day. I managed to stay awake in my SOCI class, despite the cup of chamomile tea that I consumed. My luck didn't last long in that department though, because I could barely keep my eyes open in my writing class. The only part I was really awake for was when we looked up JMU on urban dictionary {to prove that it isn't a credible source}. Curious as to what it said? Here ya go:

1.James Madison University

JMU is what dreams are made of... its not just a school, its a way of life. If you are privileged enough to go there or to experience its greatness, you are truly one of the lucky ones!
so many dimes its unreal and the 70/30 ratio aint bad either

JMU stays poppin..... we gets busy
2.James Madison University
A prestigious research university located in Virginia, that is known for having the hottest girls and relentless parties.
I went to James Madison to get layed by a calender girl.

I got an HIV from a girl at James Madison.
3.James Madison University

A school defined by it's 70/30 ratio: the average female is 70% desperate and 30% wasted, while the average male is 70% 'bro' and 30% rapist. Commonly, both males and females are 100% stupid.
Students are commonly victims of "JMU Delusion Syndrome", an ailment characterized by the victim's staunch belief that their school is in fact, not lame. As the victim falls deeper and deeper into the throes of the disease, they will refuse to acknowledge basic facts, primarily the blatant repetitiveness of their party scene. They will also find females who go to JMU more attractive than they would be elsewhere in the world, apparently to rationalize their belief that the campus is brimming with "dime-pieces".
This tragic affliction is only in the beginning stages of study, and as such, any person who has someone they care about attending James Madison should watch carefully for signs of JMUDS.
Remember that they will simply not be able to understand how lame James Madison University is (owing to the JMUDS), so you cannot be offended if they react in a hostile manner to intervention.


Yeah, that was entertaining. Haha! Anways, I enjoyed lunch with Taylor-- one of my SAO gamma sisters. It was super chill and not at all awkward, which was awesome considering we've never hung out one-on-one before :) She had to be at Carrier pretty early though, so I got to the building where my government class is almost an hour early. What did I do for that time? That's right, I took a nap on the sofa in the lobby. That's true college-kid status right there, haha. Anyways, gov was whatevs. I got a B on my first paper in there! Not bad considering I did it the night before! Plus, I'm pretty sure it's a high B because I got "A" marks in most of the grading categories. It's a little confusing. But yeah, that paper is 15% of my grade. All things considered, I pretty proud of myself. From class, I came back to the room to hit the PSYC book. Yeah, I spent basically three hours taking notes on one chapter; it was awesome... only not really. Anyways, I went to small group around 6, and it was our first Bible study night! We're reading the book of Galations, and I think I'm really going to enjoy it :) We discussed chapter one tonight, and I don't think I've ever felt so inclined to be involved in the conversation. I almost worried that I was talking too much! But it made me realize that I feel more confident discussing scripture now than I ever have before. I always felt like I wasn't Biblically savvy enough to make a valid point, but I don't feel like that so much anymore. That makes me happy :) I was kind of sad when we reached our ending time, but I got to laugh and chit chat all the way back to Lakeside with Kim and Taylor, so that was lovely. I went with Taylor to the hot chocolate vending machine on the ground floor, and it was the coolest thing EVER! I was just expecting a packet of the powder mix to pop out. Oh no, this machine placed a little cup down and straight brewed that thing right in front of us. And, when it was done, the little door slid open so that she could grab her drink. My mind was blown, and I loved it. The rest of my night consisted of working on my GCOM speech, talking to Brianna and Brittany, signing up for on-campus housing next year, showering, and writing this blog. And now, I believe my bed is calling my name. Goodnight, sweet loves! You make my heart smile :)

Kirsten's favorite verse:
In his heart a man plans his course, 
       but the LORD determines his steps.
{Proverbs 16:9}


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