Sunday, October 31, 2010

"I like how your butt fits perfectly into my back."

Hahaha! Oh Kim :P

I rolled out of bed at approximately 11:30 this morning, and it felt great, haha. After skyping with Elizabeth and getting ready, I went to lunch at D-hall with Brianna and Kim :) Oh! And on the way there we got free teeshirts! That's always fun! Anyways, when we got back, I was literally only in the the room for maybe ten-ish minutes before going to the Outpost with Kim and Brittany to get pink shirts for the game! Yep, today's game was a pink-out for breast cancer awareness! I got to sit with Brittany, Brianna, Kim, Nicole, Taylor, and Leslie :)
{Leslie, Taylor, Nicole, and myself... SAO dove love!}

We all {minus Brianna and Brittany} left during the third quarter to go get dinner at D-hall {again... haha!}. I really enjoyed that :) I suppose I just really love being around friends :) Although I suppose that's a pretty obvious, universal statement. At any rate, Kim and I came back to my room after that, at which point we went through possible class selections for Kim's spring semester, and we watched Pocahontas! I LOVE DISNEY! Bahhhhhh :D But yeah, from there Kim and I just kind of acted crazy for a little while as we conversated with Brittany and Brianna. Then, a little after 10, Kim, Taylor, and I headed over to UREC for some halloween festivities. We didn't dress up or anything though; we got that out of our system last night, haha. But yes, after Kim and I ate pizza and ice cream and talked about various topics, we decided to hit up the room full of inflatables {where I also saw my sisters, Brandi and Hannah}! Oh yes :) We started by playing this thing called the "wrecking ball," where 4 people stand on unstable blow-up platforms and push this wrecking ball at each other to try to knock them off. There was one point where I got totally annihilated thanks to this guy shoving the ball into my face, and another time where I got hit and literally screamed as I fell. Haha! That was quite funny indeed :) Then, I raced Taylor and Kim in the obstacle course, which was surprisingly draining! Somehow I managed to come out at the bottom of the slide face first.... odd considering I slid down on my butt... Haha! From there it was onto the velcro wall! I don't think I need to explain the hilarious epicness of that. Kim, however, was a total beast and flipped onto the wall so that she stuck in an upside down position {even if it wasn't for very long}! We danced for a little bit to G6 before deciding to call it a night. We were quite tired. I really enjoyed basically spending all day with Kim. We're just so crazy all the time, and I know that no matter how ridiculous I make myself look she'll still love me and be seen with me in public :) I love you Kimberly! And now I must shower and hit the sack. I will be going to church tomorrow! Goodnight, sweet loves!

"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter 
       and your lips with shouts of joy."
{Job 8:21}

"[S]top and consider God's wonders."
{Job 37:14}


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