Saturday, February 5, 2011

Proverbs 5

It may sounds a tad redundant to once again mention that Solomon tells us to hear God's wisdom and heed it so that we may venture with Him down a path of righteousness. Nonetheless, it is in fact restated in verses 1-2, so it is obviously of great importance!

Solomon talks a lot in this chapter about avoiding temptation. Specifically, he uses the example of a prostitute, but it can honestly apply to anyone or anything of sinful nature {at least in verses 3-14}. Their words will be smooth, the temptation they present will attempt to pierce your breastplate of righteousness and scathe your shield of faith {Ephesians 6:10-18}. But to fall into such sinful nature will lead you down the path of darkness that has been mentioned in the previous chapters. You will be lead straight to a death that is lacking salvation, because you didn't seek God's knowledge before reaching that point. You would get to the end of the wicked road before realizing that you needed to seek after the Father to avoid the peril that you undoubtedly are facing. We need to decide here and now to not become victims of sin. Deciding ahead of time that you want to resist something makes saying "no" to it SO much easier when you actually reach that conflict. Know your standards. Treasure your values, and do not question God's moral code.

Verses 15-23 are where adultery is very specifically addressed. We are to savor our union with our spouse. God gifted us with this holy union, and that in itself can and should satisfy you. I was reading the footnotes in my Bible, and it mentioned that, in Old Testament times, stealing water from someone else's well was a crime-- as is adultery. Do not corrupt your family; do not disturb the peace of another's family. Rejoice in your marriage and find joy in each other's love and companionship! Your spouse is to be treasured; they are a precious blessing! Your relationship is to be built and centered on the Lord!

21 For your ways are in full view of the LORD, 
   and he examines all your paths. 
22 The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; 
   the cords of their sins hold them fast. 
23 For lack of discipline they will die, 
   led astray by their own great folly.


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