Monday, February 21, 2011

Proverbs 20

The Message= Laymen's terms. I liked it for this chapter.

"3 It's a mark of good character to avert quarrels, 
   but fools love to pick fights." 

Don't provoke conflict. It's foolish and accomplishes nothing. When was the last time you started a fight with someone and actually reaped substantial benefits from it? For most (if not all) of us, that would be NEVER.

"5 Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart; 
   a wise person draws from the well within." 

The teachings of God and His discipline are meant to be engraved on and within our hearts, there to turn to whenever necessary. Those who are wise look to their heart to find guidance and comfort from the word of God.

"15 Drinking from the beautiful chalice of knowledge 
   is better than adorning oneself with gold and rare gems." 

Solomon stresses this in literally every chapter: wisdom is more precious and of more value than any of our earthly "treasures." We tend to frantically scrummage for gems of this world, but we should seek in tenfold the wisdom and discernment of God!

"18 Form your purpose by asking for counsel, 
   then carry it out using all the help you can get."

We cannot take on this earthly life on our own. You are only one child of God, and He has blessed us with a beloved community comprised of His sons and daughters. Let them help you. They may very well possess beneficial and enlightening insight. For just as God works in you, so does He in the lives of His other children.

"24 The very steps we take come from God; 
   otherwise how would we know where we're going?"

We have no way of knowing or dictating what our life has in store for us. God knows. He knows our every step and stumble in advance, so it only makes sense to let Him guide us. We are not meant to understand our future. We must put our trust and faith in our Father. Surrender control to Him so that you may truly prosper according to His will.

"7 God is in charge of human life, 
   watching and examining us inside and out."

He loves us. He examines us. He knows our every thought, feeling, and action. He gave us life. We are His creation, and He is who we must answer to. Our King, our Lord, our Father.


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