Friday, February 4, 2011

Proverbs 4

Hear what our Father says to you. Embrace it, treasure it, and do not sway from it for any reason. Let His wisdom settle in your heart, and you will be blessed :)

"Listen, my son, accept what I say, 
 and the years of your life will be many." {v. 10}

Acceptance. A simple word that is more of a process than a mere action. God calls us to embrace wisdom so that "the years of [our] life may be many." We will dwell in the presence of the Lord from our time on the this earth and into an eternity in Heaven! Eeeep! That just makes me excited to think about. I often imagine being with my Father and just hugging Him, holding His hand, or sitting by His feet like a small child. It always brings a smile to my face :)

But as I was saying.... :)

Solomon once again reminds us that, through wisdom, God will guide us down a road of righteousness, and that He will protect us in our journey. We will not falter with Him. We are warned to not even experiment in the ways of the wicked, for their lives are encompassed in darkness. In today's society {especially in our age} people often thinks it's okay to "try something out" or "just see what it's like" because they don't intend to make a habit out of it. But to deliberately travel on the path of the wayward, even if only temporarily, can have terrible consequences. Strive to bring those who are lost or deceived over to God's path!

"21 Do not let them out of your sight, 
   keep them within your heart; 
22 for they are life to those who find them 
   and health to one’s whole body."

"25 Let your eyes look straight ahead; 
   fix your gaze directly before you. 
26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet 
   and be steadfast in all your ways."

God wants us to run directly into His light! Into His love, grace, and compassion :)

P.S.- I often image imagine running into God's light and essentially flinging myself at Him :) Do you think He would be okay with me attack-hugging Him? Haha :D


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