Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Proverbs 13

Yeah, I fell behind.... But these two verses stuck out to me from chapter 13.

"12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, 
   but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life."

Lacking any sort of hope really does take a toll on our hearts. Hope is something we need. Without it, struggles are seemingly insurmountable. Hope can be attained through faith--faith in our Father. If we possess hope, and that anticipation is made reality, it's almost as if your heart flourishes! You know that feeling: the giddiness, elation, that "OMG" moment :) God answers our prayers, and He fills that void we have when we are feeling hopeless. He restores us in times of hardship. That is my friend, is truth!

"18 Whoever disregards discipline comes to poverty and shame, 
   but whoever heeds correction is honored."

We cannot ignore the rebuke of our Father. He knows what is best for us, and He knows what is in our best interests. Believe me, I've blatantly ignored God's advice before, and I wish I had listened. Doing so repeatedly will shame us. We will dwell in poverty and hardship. That is not the life I want, and I'm sure you all would agree. Let us instead hear what He says and actively alter our hearts to live it out! Let us be honorable in the eyes of our Lord :)


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