Friday, December 31, 2010

The 2010 reflection post.

What a crazy, hectic, and beautiful year it has been! It's so crazy to think back to where I was in January compared to where I am now. Honestly, I may have changed more in the past 365 days than I have my entire life. I've gotten closer to so many friends, and I've grown closer to God :) I've cut 12 inches of hair off my head, been on my first retreat ever, danced in Miami, choreographed my own piece, graduated high school, gone on tour with youth choir, embarked on a life-altering missions trip to Brazil, and now I'm in college! What a whirl-wind this has been. I seriously am blown away with the blessings I have in my life. God has given me more opportunities than I could have ever dreamed of, and He's given me more love than I could have asked for.

You, my friends, have done more for me than I can say. You've filled my heart with so much happiness and compassion, that I honestly don't know how to contain it, haha! You all mean everything to me. I care about you more than anything else on this earth, and I thank you so much for the ways in which you've impacted my life. You are my most beloved family, and I cannot wait to see where this next year will take us :)

In regards to 2011, I don't really have a resolution. I rarely do, actually. I suppose I will give it a great deal of thought over the course of the day. After all, I have until the ball drops! Goodnight loves :)

P.S.- God keeps "randomly" {of course, nothing God does is ever random} showing me that He controls everything, and He is dropping hints that I am pursuing the right career path. I don't really know how to describe it, and I don't know how much sense it all makes. However, I am quite excited about it nonetheless :D

Oh, and as horribly cliche as this might be, I wanted to quote some song lyrics from Nicki Minaj that I heard today and was rather fond of:
"But to live doesn't mean you're alive."
"No, I'm not lucky, I'm blessed, yes."
"Cause everybody dies but not everybody lives."


Evan said... I think your next post should have a picture of you with ME! Girl, you know I changed your life. How many people have you met doing the stanky leg? ;D

E.B. said...

evan get over yourself.

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