Sunday, December 5, 2010

"One in Christ through Unity in Sisterhood"

Hello loves! Sorry for the lack of post last night, it was a rather busy time! But let me back track first. Yesterday morning, the Gammas did our service project at Our Community Place. Each year they have a fundraiser where they sell wreaths, so our job was to make them! Yes, we spent approximately two hours digging through trashcans filled with evergreen branches and whatnot to make wreathes pretty enough to buy. It was fun, and interesting, haha. Despite the fact that we had sap on our hands and Kirsten got a few hives, we were all good! Haha. From there a group of us went to Walmart, where I managed to find a tack Christmas sweater vest and turtleneck to go underneath of it. Hahaha! I am going to look ridiculous, just saying :) Anyways, last night was the Gamma initiation into SAO! Ahhhhh! I am so excited to be a legit sister; I just can't even tell you :D
 {Big, Little, Great Aunt}
{Ariel, me, Abbey}
 {Gamma SISTERS! We have letters! Eeep!}
{The "turn and laugh."}

After the ceremony, we went over to Jill's house for a giant slumber party! So great :) We played fish bowl, imagine if {something like that}, and "shark fin and a graham cracker box," haha. You kind of had to be there :) We all ate lots of food, and some of us stayed up until 4:30 AM laughing at crazy ongoings in the kitchen/outside. All I'm going to say about that is this, "It's like the ocean. You just get used to it." Oh, and "frostbite." HAHA! But yes, I just got back from church, and I think I'm now going to nap for a while. Farewell for now :) I love you all!


Heather Tobey said...

I am so happy for you! Yay :)

i can't wait to SKYPE you soon! Why does that sound so dirty... hahaha! Love you! A & F! WAAAAAY MORE, also :P

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