Monday, December 13, 2010

Snow, snow, go away. Come again

when finals are over. Thanks.

Well, I suppose today was decent. I got up and went to church this morning. For a while there I though I was going to be sitting by myself, but Julie and Jesse came to my rescue :) After the service and saying farewell to Mama and Papa Tobz , I went to Panera with Julie, Ashlee, Lisa, Jesse, and {B}Andrea. We legit had to table stalk. It wasn't even a laughing matter. At any rate, we finally scored a large table. And this really sweet guy who works there gave us 3 free pastries! He said it was because Jesse had to wait on his mac n' cheese, but we think it's because this guy though Jesse was legit for being the only guy there with a bunch of girls. No literally, the guy asked Jesse, "Are you the only boy here with those pretty girls?!" Haha. So yeah, that was that. As soon as I got back to my house we had to turn around and leave for Harrisonburg. I slept a good chunk of the way, which was nice. I finished my government final. Oh! And I had a lovely dinner with Brittany, Brianna, and Kim, who are seriously three of my biggest highlights of coming back here. It's not that I hate school or anything, just that I love home so much. At any rate, it started snowing really hard here tonight. People were running around outside screaming and taking pictures and yeah... You would have thought they had never seen snow before in their lives. Perhaps I sound like a Debby Downer, but I really don't want people's exams to be rescheduled. That would mean I would have to stay here later in the week, and I am NOT down for that. But yes, I think I am now ready for bed. Tomorrow consists of lunch, studying, dinner, and more studying. Yay finals! Not. Goodnight loves :)

Oh, and I really love this line from O Holy Night. Mull it over, if you so choose. It's a beautiful and impacting message, I think.

"Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth."


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