Thursday, January 27, 2011

JMU was a snow globe today!

Seriously! My 9:05 got canceled, and then the university ended up closing at 2:15!
Pray that we get tomorrow off! Ahh!

But anyways, I had an amazing lunch with Courtney today :) I love her, very much so :) I also loved that I got to see Kim, Kaci, Daniel, Betsey, and Lauren while I was there! Oh! And I received my package from Heather today! I am so excited to read Terrify No More, I've already eaten two of my giant yummy cookies, and I adore the hair clip that was in there too! I got to see Taylor Vance for a little while today, so that was nice :) And despite the fact that it took me FOREVER to do my psyc reading/notes/quiz. Today hasn't been too shabby!

You know, while I was in the shower I couldn't help but think about what is basically my new life philosophy: It's the little things in life! It's so true! I started winding back even to my childhood and thinking about it. I remember getting off the bus one day in the 2nd grade {me and my see-through backpack!} and my friend Christina handing me my birthday present. I remember walking down the aisle to get off while ripping through the paper. I stepped into the street and saw that she had gotten me a VHS of Sailor Moon, my favorite show. I got so excited that I was frantically waving at her through the window and shouting "thank you!" as the bus drove away. I was so excited, I put it in the VCR as soon as I made it to my house.  Walking through the airport lounge here and seeing at least 3 different Bible/book studies going on around me just lifts my spirits and encourages me in such a lovely way! On an even simpler scale, the other night as I was laying down to go to bed and adjusting my blankets, I noticed the little sparks that were resulting from the static the static. I literally laid there for a minute or two just moving around my blankets and watching the the little blue lights dance between them :) So simple, yet it brought a smile to my face. Dancing. When I'm confident and having fun, my face just beams! I love it! I don't have to be performing it, no one necessarily has to see it, but doing it brings me great happiness. I don't know what the point of this word vomit was, but I suppose this thought-train was a reminder for me to stop and appreciate all of the things we encounter in life--whether big or small. I love you all! Goodnight :)

P.S.- If you all don't mind, could you also pray that this sneezing subsides and that my nose will quit leaking? It would be greatly appreciated :)


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