Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Nobody puts Baby in a corner."

{Need I say more? :D}

Today was lovely :) Once I got up and dressed, I met up with Nicole and Rachel for some Starbuck's before going on an excursion to Walmart.... where I purchased an Eore onesie and a giant pack of sharpies, haha! We had fun :) Once we got back on campus, we tried to go to E-hall for a late lunch, but it was closed. Festival was also closed. Long story short, we all lost a punch. Womp womp! It's okay though, Nicole and I got some food from Quizno's before I came back to my room to work on my take home exam for government. I was working on it for quite some time, and before I knew it it was after 7. I didn't want to  walk to go get foos because it's freezing outside, so I had a pizza delivered.... for just myself. Haha! It was a small, mind you, but I still felt like a fatty. Doesn't matter though! I ate it all up and it was so good! Hahaha :) While I was enjoying my party-of-one dinner, I watched Beauty and the Beast. I do love that move :) I may or may not have bought the Jump5 version of that song on iTunes.... Don't judge :) Then, before watching Dirty Dancing with Susanne, Danielle, Courtney, and Colleen, I had a short but very sweet skype date with my lovely Heather Jean :) In approximately 20 hours, she will be embarking on one of the greatest adventures of her life...

My dearest Heather,
I cannot believe you are leaving for India in less than 24 hours! I am so excited for you and I know that God is going to do amazing things not just in you, but through you. You are so incredibly filled with the Lord's presence, and I need not remind you of how incredibly inspiring and amazing you are. These next two weeks are going to provide with the most unforgettable, life-changing experiences, and I hope that you love every second of it! Scratch that, I know that you will love every second of it! God is going to use your passion and joy to minister to everyone you encounter on this trip, I know He will :) You truly are a loyal and faithful servant :) I am so proud of you! I'm so happy I get to call you my best friend :) I will be praying for you every day, love! I love you with all of my heart! {Always, forever, MORE, the end!}
Love, Stephanie :)

"19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
{Matthew 28:19-20}

Now, brace yourself for randomness....

I notice I make this face a lot when I skype....
I think it makes me look Asian, haha. I kind of like it :) Goodnight my loves! Oh, and happy daylight savings!


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