Sunday, November 21, 2010

I wish I had stayed at church.

Simple question.
Listed reply.
Offensive response.
The bearded cynic.
Too familiar.
Let it go.
Let it pass.
Completion of the meal.
Convicting question.
More emotional than expected.
Eyes searing through me.
Teeth gritted.
Holding his tongue.
Third party.
Finger thrown in her face.
Minutes pass.
"I am confused."
He wonders why.
"My friends don't do this to me;
my family never fails to cause upset."
Admittance of his wrongdoing.
Too numb to move on.
Bitterness has burrowed.
Courtesy was placed second.
Curiosity the victor.
Argument ongoing.
Despise vulnerability.
"The day you stop getting upset,
be concerned."
I'm not naive.
This is how life is.
But it's preferred in solitude.
A trickle.
A leak.
Harsh tones.
Raised voices.
Dismissive resolution.
Dry eyes.
I knew there was a reason for my absence...

Thank you, God, for blessing me with my friends who love, respect, and care for me unceasingly and unconditionally. They are the highlight of my life, and I certainly couldn't get by without them. You knew that, and that's why they were placed in my life. For that I am eternally thankful. Goodnight my dears. I love you all  more than you will ever know.


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