Sunday, November 28, 2010

"All I remember was waking up and hanging off the side of the bed."

Hello blog world! Sorry for my absence last night! I was enjoyed a lovely evening with my dear Heather :) We watched Slumdog Millionaire while eating pie and drinking tea, and we just hung out by the fire and talked the night away. Twas lovely indeed! This morning I enjoyed breakfast with the Tobey family {most of them}, which was shortly followed up by a trip to OCCTF {Old Church Christmas Tree Farm}.
They found their tree, needless to say :) And upon our return to the house, Heather and I quickly drove over to Sweet Frog for some froyo before GCN rehearsal. Kelly presented me with a bag of peppermint bark, and that made me very happy :) In general, being at church with my friends makes me happy. The people I love most are all around me, and they complete my happy bubble :) Around 5:15, I had to leave to go meet my sisters at Topeka's for dinner. That was quite enjoyable, I'm happy to say. I came home for a spell to fold some laundry, finish my pillow, and pack a majority of the things I need for my return back to JMU. Eww. At any rate, I headed over to Daniel's house between 9 and 10, and I seriously wanted to kill my tomtom. I planned on taking the Huguenot exit off of Chippenham, but I missed it somehow. Thus, I had to follow tomtom's directions, and he took me through two tolls! Tolls scare me, okay. At the second one, I seriously didn't think I had any quarters, and I had to use exact change! Luckily, after being stopped there for at least a minute, I managed to find one somewhere in my purse! The people behind me probably hated me, but when I made it through I was profusely thanking Jesus, not even kidding. I was so freaked out. Anyways, we watched the Dark Knight at Daniel's while also carrying on humorous side conversations and talking about college before we all left. I followed Elizabeth on the way home to avoid tolls.... Life fail. And now I'm sitting here semi-stressing over the work that I've neglected. Tomorrow night is going to suck, not only because I have to leave all of my beloved friends once again, but also because of everything that needs to get done. Please pray for me friends. This is going to be rough. I love you all! Goodnight!


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