Friday, July 29, 2011

I've learned something about kids this week...

and it is that they LOVE to tell stories, whether or not they are actually true. Haha, I think theses kids at VBS just love being able to talk during Bible Adventures, because they say some pretty crazy things! Some are funny, while others are just little *cringe* moments. But yes, tomorrow marks the last session of 2011, and I think it will be a sigh of relief for a lot of us. It's been fun, but certainly a lot of work that requires a lot of time. Tiring stuff; you know.

Today was a sort of farewell lunch for my friend Austin, who is leaving for New York in just three days (he's going to SVA). It's sad that I won't be seeing him for at least another five months, but I know he is going to have an AMAZING time in NY. He loves it there, and he so excited that I just am genuinely happy for him :) I'm glad Kathryn, Elizabeth, Michael, and I were able to grab lunch with him today. Sticky Rice is good stuff, and my friends are simply amazing :)

Also, I've had my car messed with twice this week (clearly pranks pulled off by youth), and it actually makes me feel very loved :) Haha! I mean honestly, when my friends and I messed with youth leaders' cars, it was always people we really liked, because we thought it was hysterical! Now, I get to walk outside on random occasions and find saran wrap (like I did Monday morning), toilet paper (like tonight), window paint (like a few weeks ago), or any other assortment of things done to my car out of good-hearted fun :) I consider all of it to be the utmost form of flattery, haha. So bring it on, friends! But if I find out it was you, I'm not saying that I may not get you back ;) Goodnight!


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