Sunday, July 3, 2011


Good, meaningful relationships are not possible without investment; it's something that has been becoming more and more apparent to me. Taking the time to listen to the thoughts of others and to learn about their lives not only gives you insight on where they're coming from, but it shows that you genuinely care about them as a person-- that you love them enough to really get to know them. Honestly, I have seen and heard about friendships/relationships where one party is much more dedicated to the other than the other person is to them, and the lack of reciprocation breaks my heart. I have a hard time understanding it. When I form a relationship with someone, I want them to be able to trust and confide in me. I want to learn about their life and know them on a deeper level that their favorite color and interests. I want to help carry their burdens, hear about their past/present/potential struggles, and I want to know what's on their mind. I love investing my whole heart in my relationships, because my friends deserve it. I have such strong friendships because we do invest in each other's lives. I love you, dear loves, for being so incredibly amazing :) I love knowing that you would do anything for me, and that you take an interest in the happenings of my life. I love that you all are willing to talk to me about what you're going through, and that you love me enough to maintain our relationship even despite long distances and busy schedules. None of it is without conscious effort and some emotional strain, and I know that. I just want to tell all of you how much I love and appreciate you :) Your investment means the world to me.


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