Sunday, July 17, 2011

Babysitting endeavors.

I've spent my day with two very lovely girls, Grace and Emily. While Emily was rollerskating with a friend, Grace and I went to Starbucks--where we played numerous rounds of Jenga and Connect Four. (I did much better at Connect Four today than the last time I played with Juliana... haha.) I watched a few episodes of Vampire Diaries with her as well (it's her favorite show). When Emily got home we proceeded to watch a little TV and then ended up watching ridiculous Youtube videos for quite some time. Dinner at Arby's and a trip to Blockbuster proceeded a movie night complete with Red Riding Hood and Just Go With It. I had never seen Red Riding Hood before, and I actually rather liked it. Grace and I were trying the whole time to guess who the wolf was, haha. Surprisingly, we never did guess right! Afterwards, GRace went upstairs to read and Emily and I had a little photobooth fun.

She was laughing so hard; it was the most adorable thing ever :) 

Bedtime soon followed, and now they should both be sound asleep. I love both of these girls very much, and I really hope that they stay young for as long as they can. I was talking to Grace earlier, and I was literally left speechless by some of the stuff she was telling me. She knows too much for a girl her age, and her friends are doing things that are neither appropriate nor safe. It's not her fault, but I hate that her childhood innocence has been snatched from her. I'm just scared that one day she'll be pressured in to doing something she'll regret, and I wish I could explain to you how scared that thought makes me--scared for both her and Emily.

Major trust in the Lord is required in this case. I know that I cannot provide them with ultimate provision or security, although I certainly would if I were able. They are in His hands, and I know that He is working for their benefit. That's something I have come to truly stand firm in: No matter how traumatic or horrible a life experience may seem, God is using it in a way that will further and strengthen your relationship with Him. And ultimately, your life will be bettered because of it. I speak both from faith and personal experience. God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good. He stands in our defense, and He gives us a solid rock upon which to stand firm. I know Grace and Emily will always be looked after, for all of His children are promised such care. Goodnight loves. Sleep well.


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