Monday, July 25, 2011

"God made you!"

"Thank you, God!"

As cheesy as the VBS scripts may sound, it always strikes me how accurate and relevant they are. Tonight marked the beginning of the "Day 1" session (there's morning and night sessions), and it was all about creation. Anytime someone said "God made you," the kids all screamed "Thank you, God!" It's a simple action, and a rather basic concept, but think about this for a second. God created each and every one of us--uniquely and whole-heartedly. He made us in the likeness of none other than He himself. He could have made us look like cats or birds or fish or flies..... But He didn't. He blessed us with His image. How often do we thank Him for that? If I'm being honest, I don't know if I have. And if in the past I have shared my appreciation with God, then it certainly has not been recently. There's something else that kind of stuck out to me tonight. During our lesson in Bible Adventures, Laura recited this line that said "You are not a mistake." None of us, no matter what flaws/insecurities/disfunctions we think we have, are made this way on accident. No. God had intention and purpose in creating us the way we are. He knew who we would become even before our conception. Nothing about you is a result of God's oversight; no such thing exists. Each of us is treasured by Him with a love that runs far deeper then we may ever be able to fathom. He made us--uniquely, carefully, and beautifully. Thank you, God :)

P.S.- AS you probably gathered, VBS was not nearly as dreadful as I had anticipated it would be. It actually went very well tonight. Perhaps there is hope, after all! Goodnight loves!


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