Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why am I so tired?

Seriously, I could hardly keep my eyes open in SOCI. {I was legitimately fighting off sleep.} I took about a 30 minute nap before writing. I went and ate lunch with Brianna outside in this lovely weather, and then went off to government. I held up pretty well for a while. I got on facebook, skyped Heather, worked on homework, and got dinner with Danielle and Megan. When I got back, I worked on homework some more. Then, around 8:30, I took another nap, but this one was about 45 minutes long. I don't nap. I don't get tired if I get 6 hours of sleep. I'm supposed to be able to function off of 4! Sometimes less! Ugh, it's annoying. Heather thinks I'm becoming more like a normal person. I think something's up; fail. At any rate, I don't have much going on right now, and I really should get ahead on some PSYC homework, but I am awfully tired... Well, I love you all. And you may or may not see me this weekend :) Goodnight!


Nikki said...

you're getting old. Believe me... I don't know how I did it in high school, but when I got to college, it was 4:00pm nap central!

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