Thursday, September 23, 2010

"I just want to put him a little boat and watch him!"

Haha. My friend Rachel things our government professor is the cutest thing ever, especially when he speaks in German :)

Anyways, today was another early one. I went to class, had lunch with Sarah, Emma, and Lauren from my small group, had more class, and then I started on reading before allowing myself to take a much-needed nap. I crashed for about 45 minutes or so. I wish I could say I woke up feeling rejuvenated, but it really just made me rather crabby. {My sincerest apologies to Brianna, Brittany, and Andrea who first encountered me after my alarm disturbed my slumber.} After I got some more reading taken care of, I took a successful bus trip up to Festival to have dinner with Brianna, Brittany, and Andrea of course. I do love sesame chicken and steamed rice! Yumm! Anyways, I love these girls so much! There is never a time that we hang out and I don't laugh hysterically at one point or another; I'm beginning to think that would be impossible :) Then, Brittany and I rushed back to Eagle with Andrea so that she could get ready to go roller skating with Alpha Phi {the community service fraternity her on campus}. I don't know how she made it there in time, but she did! From then on it was work, work, work, here in the dorm. Luckily, though, I had two lovely breaks for socialization with two of my dearest loves. Kelly surprised me with a humorous phone call, and I had a skype date with Heather :) Haha, you know what that means... EMBARRASSING PICTURE TIME!
You know Heather, I'm kind of shocked that you haven't dished out the awkward photos of me on your own blog. Haha! Or maybe I've spoken too soon ;) Either way(!), I shall continue on. Luckily, I was able to complete my discussion board assignment for my SOCI class tonight, which means I don't have to worry about it anymore; even though technically it isn't due until friday. Now all I have to do is write a paper and study for my government exam. But all of that must wait until tomorrow, for I am quite tired. Goodnight my loves! Lub lub :)

2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
       our tongues with songs of joy.
       Then it was said among the nations,
       "The LORD has done great things for them."

 3 The LORD has done great things for us,
       and we are filled with joy.
{Psalm 126:2-3}


Heather Tobey said...

:P these are silly! i love our skype dates. mwah!

kathryn said...

i miss you.

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