Friday, September 3, 2010

Sorry not sorry!

So, I got to sleep until 10:30 again today. I woke up, did some SOCI homework, went to lunch with Kelsey, came back to the dorm to do more homework, and then had my first class at 2. My GCOM professor basically guaranteed us that we'd be getting out early, but of course he just so happens to be a rambler. Thus, he ended up letting us out three minutes late, so my new friend Maggie and I had to sped walk across the quad to the back row of buildings to get to our PSYC class. Uncle Bajin didn't want us to be taking notes during his lecture {part of it, anyways}, but he kept saying things that I knew I would forget if I didn't jot it down! He caught me, called me out in a way that was humorous yet slightly embarrassing, and he later threw chalk at me.... Yes, I laughed. I suppose I had it coming. But yes, those were my classes. I came back, took some more notes, picked up dinner at Mrs. Green's, ran into Kristina, came back to my room and ate, and then ended up working on homework across the hall with Brittany, Brianna, and Andrea. It was hard to focus though, because Andrea is just so funny! Whether it's getting frustrated over her music homework, or freaking out about the Muslim class she doesn't want to take, it just all makes me laugh. She's just a funny girl. {The "sorry not sorry!" thing is kind of an inside joke now. It's kind of a mockery thing.... Maybe you had to be there.} But yes, I finally finished reading this article for my writing class that I only understood half of, and now I am going to read some of Ephesians before I go to sleep. But before I go, I want to apologize for the constant stream of complaints that have been flooding my posts as of recent. College is just hard right now, and I'm not used to being so bogged-down with work all the time. I love the people and I love the environment. I just wish I had more time, you know? Well, I should probably get some rest. I'm waking up in 7 hours; yikes. Goodnight my darling loves! If anything new or exciting is going on in your life, please tell me! I want to keep in-the-know!

Oh, and In case you didn't already see this on facebook:
{How hard is it to microwave Easy Mac?}


Nikki said...

It may be hard right now (and the classes will only get harder) BUT I can assure you that it takes time to get into a groove. It takes a while to figure out how and when to do your work, what works, and what doesn't and so on. So take heart, you will survive, and it will get better!

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