Monday, September 6, 2010

Mellow Yellow :)

Today started off around 10; when I finally decided to wake up and Heather and I could start our day. {She was stuck between the wall and I, you see.} We got dressed, chilled out for a bit, and then trekked on up to E-hall for brunch. We were there conversing and eating for a while, but sadly she had to make her leave. So I said goodbye to her, and made my way back to Eagle; where I had no choice but to hit the books. I finished my SOCI homework just in time to meet up with Kim so that we could go meet up with our small group! Our leaders, Betsy and Melissa, took us back to Melissa's house where we all curled our hair, drew on ourselves with markers, and enjoyed some delicious brownies and cookies!
{Flower Power!}
Once we were all hippified, we rode over to the IV freshman volleyball tournament/barbecue! Our team was called "Mellow Yellow," and we looked pretty sweet. Unfortunately, though, we lost the first game we played, so we were out; haha. But it's all good! We piled back in the cars and ventured over to this quaint little park area where we had a little competition amongst ourselves and we did some group bonding. Twas lovely :) I got back to the dorm around 7 I suppose, but I wasn't here long before I was invited to go to dinner with Courtney and Kelsey. We went to Duke's; good times. I finished up my homework for tomorrow once we got back, and I met Brittany and Brianna's youth minister and his wife. They were very nice :) Not long after that, I skyped with the lovely Annemarie Young :) I have missed her! Our conversation wasn't too long though, because Taylor came into my room with free pizza and Coke. Yay! We chit-chatted, ate, drank, and she updated me on some recent drama. We couldn't eat the whole pizza though, so we walked down to the 6th floor and gave the rest of it to whoever's door was open. The couple we gave it to seemed pretty stoked, and thankful. So yeah, I took a shower once Taylor left, and now I'm here. I should work on some writing assignments, but I don't feel too good. Maybe it's because I basically ate three dinners.... Ugh. Oh well, I love you all! Goodnight!


kayaygee said...

I'm so excited for our small group! This is going to be so fun :D

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