Friday, September 24, 2010

Dear GPOSC 225, I severely dislike you. No love, Stephanie

Okay, so today went pretty well I suppose. I slept until about 10:20, and I  lolligagged around the room longer than I should have. {I was avoiding writing my paper, you see.} I got a few sentences of that done before it was time to meet up with my small group leader, Melissa, for lunch! Yum, Market One! Burger Junction is fabulous; my first experience was a winner :) Anyways, I loved spending time with Melissa. She's so sweet and easy to talk to; we need to go on more dates! From there, I went and sat in front of Moody for about 30 minutes before I needed to be in class. So I worked on my paper some there, but even then I only had about a paragraph. GCOM was same-old-same-old, but PSYC was pretty good! Uncle Bijan went over more of the chapter, showed us some questions that are going to be on our exam next class, and then let us out 45 minutes early! Praise! I used that time to work on my paper some more, and I had it done before 6, all three pages of it; haha! I think he only wanted it to be about two pages, but he can deal. Once that was accomplished, I picked up dinner at Mrs. Green's and brought it back to Brittany's room where we socialized for quite some time; Andrea made the occasional appearance. It wasn't until 9ish, though, that I decided to start studying for my government exam tomorrow. Ugh! I don't want to take it! It wouldn't be so bad if it was multiple choice! But no, it's 15 short answer questions. DUMB! Yeah, and my studies were somewhat interrupted when Andrea and Brittany came into my room and decided that we should make popcorn and watch Spice World, haha! We didn't watch the whole movie though, because Brittany got tired and Andrea has to get up at 6:30. So yeah, I just showered and now I must get back to government. Boo :( I hope you all have a good night! I love you!!!!


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