Monday, September 13, 2010

Back in the Penthouse

and I'm actually not too bitter about it; surprisingly. Yes, I had a marvelous weekend with all of you; my darling loves! But please understand, living in my house is just so stressful that it's strangely comforting to be back at JMU. But enough of that....

Today, I woke up to a delightful breakfast of eggs and nutella-toast {and some jasmine green tea!} graciously prepared by the lovely Kelly Johnson :) We enjoyed our delicious meal while partaking in cheerful conversation. Twas a very peaceful morning, and I loved it. Just enjoying breakfast on a comfy couch under a nice quilt with one of my favorite people :) It wasn't long though before we were getting ourselves ready and off to church. Neither one of us way aware that it was "family life" sunday, and I know some people were thrown off as well. No, it wasn't what I had been anticipating, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The kids choir is always so adorable, and they make me smile :) Oh, and I got to see Addie and Chelsea {Jones}! That was lovely! And also, I have to say, that seeing Chelsea {Dunnavant} and Sophia just made my heart so happy when I hot to church. They were the first people I saw, and I don't know, they just made me feel so loved. I do love them :) After service, I went to Chipotle with Elsbeth, Connor, and Tati; which was full of much laughter and good times. When I came back to WEAG, I delivered Heather her mugs, talked to her and Mama Tobz, rode with her to go get some sushi, and then hung out at GCN auditions. I cannot explain how much I love all of you! Everything from sitting at auditions, to dancing like a fool, to eating lunches outside, to making a midnight Krispy Kreme run, to making jokes about a supposed creeper/lover, to awkward movie quotes, to hugs that allow you to rest your head on a bosom..... all of it just makes me feel so... so... happyLOVELYlovedJOYFUL; all of the above and then some :) I love you all dearly, and I cannot wait until my next visit in October!

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering what I did with the rest of the day...

  • Dinner with my dad and Jenn.
  • Got my stuff together.
  • Rode up her. {Haha, I actually meant to say "here"....}
  • Homework in Brianna and Brittany's room.
  • Shower.
  • Government home work
  • And now, sleep. Goodnight my dears!


Heather Tobey said...

love "rode up her." hahaha! daaah! i miss you already! i loooooove you, A & F!

p.s. MORE. the END! mwah!

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