Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nutella prevents potential emotional breakdown.

Well, today was my heavy-hitter in terms of class. SOCI was good, and I loved the discussion. I just wish it didn't take me hours to take notes for it beforehand. I met this guy names Isaac in my class, and we talked the whole way back from Skyline about what we wanted to do after college and such. During our stroll, we got information about a new faith community in Harrisonburg called RISE. They're all about actively displaying God's love throughout our community through our own person actions and outreach. Isaac and I are definitely checking out their worship service next Sunday! We're stoked about it, actually. And, as an added bonus, we got free shirts; which is always cool. After signing up for the RISE e-mail memos, we went and got coffee/tea from Java City. Isaac would NOT let me pay! Ugh! Those of you who know me know how much that bothers me; it was hardly fair. But anyways, we talked for a little while longer about life before I departed for my next class; which was writing. We had to do an in-class writing assignment. Mine was garbage and I know it because 1) it was hand-written, and 2) it was timed. Ugh, ugh! Then I went to Market One for lunch with Michelle before we headed over to Miller for class. I had government to end my day. It wasn't too bad except that I forgot to do the reading, but luckily he had all of the key points available via powerpoint. (Plus, it was optional anyways.) I was back in my dorm by 2:45 or so, and at 3 is when things really started sucking. I started my PSYC homework then, and it took me almost six hours to finish it; literally. At least I had two little mini-breaks. One was when Lindsay, J. Blair, Sketch, and Connor stopped by. {I wish I could have seen you guys for a longer period of time!} The other break was for dinner at Duke's with Brianna and Brittany. I'm glad I'm done with the PSYC notes, but now I have to start SOCI; which is going to take hours. I'm so done, and it's only day three. {Oh yeah, did I mention it was my "bad day?"} Those of you who told me that college was easier than high school.... LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE! Yes, I pulled that juvenile card. At least I had a little but of a pick-me-up during my horrid note-taking session. This awesome boy named Will from the fourth floor came by and asked me if I wanted nutella and bread; just because. I thanked him profusely, because I really needed a random act of kindness like that to keep me from crying; which I was compelled to do at that point. I'm typing this all now because I plan on showering and spending the rest of my night doing more homework before I go to bed. Oh college, how on earth am I supposed to have time for a social life?! My dear friends, I miss you terribly right now. I jut wish I could hug you all. I could use a hug, I think. Well, I suppose I shall say goodnight now. I love you all with all my heart! Farewell for now.


Nikki said...

I don't think I ever told you college was easier than high school, so I think I'm in the clear on that one!

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