Saturday, August 27, 2011

You'd think this would have all hit me by now.

I mean, in my head I realize that I'll be leaving for school in about 8 hours, but none of it has really processed we me emotionally. I haven't really cried.... at all. That is so abnormal for me it's not even funny. Maybe it's because today was so crazy? I don't know.

(If you want to know why it was crazy, let me give you the short version.  This morning I had my intern exit interview. After an emotional breakdown, I got the dealer to sell me the purple saturn for my offered price. I had a gelato/photobooth date with Kelly. Packing! Dinner date with Heather. Went to the dealer to pick up my car. Movie night at Chandler's. Fill the car up with gas.)

I am very glad, though, that I got to see so many of my loves today before I left. I had a wonderful time with Kelly this afternoon, even if it was only for a short while. I haven't had as much time with her this summer as I'm used to, so I treasure any moment I get. Dinner with Heather was so lovely; she is far too kind to me, also. We had delicious sushi while we sat and discussed several different life happenings. After looking at pictures in my house for a bit, she joined my mother and I for our trip to the dealer. That wasn't the most pleasant trip in the world, so we won't talk about it, but at least Heather and I got to laugh with Kenny and Jonathan (dealer guys) about the whole situation. Bless my best friend; she was with me from the accident to the new ride. Bahhh. I just love her so much!

Even though I was over an hour late, I went to Chandler's for movie night. I cuddled with Juliana on the couch while sitting next to Elsbeth and watched Despicable Me and The Ringer. Twas a lovely night :) I will always consider Elsbeth one of my dearest and most humorous friends. She just makes me so happy inside :) Juliana, as many of you may well know, is one of my most precious little loves. And even though I'm sad to leave her, I'm glad I got to say a proper goodbye. As for Chandler, he's the coolest asian ever, and I am going to miss him! Who knows, maybe he'll bike to come visit me.... Haha, probs not :P

Well, this was my last day in Richmond for a while. Well, until retreat, actually. It can't come soon enough. And for those who are wondering what the key to getting through separation anxiety is, it's skype. For real. I couldn't go without seeing the lovely faces of my darling friends for that long! Hopefully tomorrow won't be the setting of a meltdown. I can do this.... I can do this.... Goodbye sweet Richmond loves! I'm going to miss you terribly!


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