Friday, August 26, 2011

These suitcases can't handle me right now.

I'm trying to figure out how on earth I fit all of my clothes into two suitcases last year. I'm afraid the zippers are going to break... It made me think of this commercial:

Yeah, I'll probably have to sit on top of mine too. Woops! Also, I hope my closet is big, because I have A LOT of hang-up clothes. Who knew? Not me. But yeah, a good portion of today consisted of packing, since I have less than 36 hours left before I leave Richmond :/ It still hasn't really hit me yet that I'm going to be gone; it's weird.

Aside from that, though, I got to hang out with Rachel and Victoria today :) I'm glad I got to do that before I left, because I do love those girls, and I didn't really get to spend a whole lot of time with them this summer. My mom, Johnny, and I went to Maggiano's for dinner :) There were only two downsides: 1) We had to run through the torrential downpour to get into the restaurant, and I looked like some sort of wet animal. 2) They no longer serve the mushroom ravioli :( I was craving it! It's okay though, the cheese ravioli is good too. That was a nice "going away" meal. I enjoyed it.

While at the bank this morning, I ran into Gina and Juliana! That was cool :) And apparently they had just been talking about me when I said hi to them. Strange coincidence indeed! I wish I could tell you I now had a car, but I don't. This dealer is starting to frustrate me, and I have quite a bit to say to them if they actually decide to call me tomorrow.... Breathe in, breathe out.

Well, I am super sleepy, and I have been for about two hours now. Grandma status.... Sad day. Goodnight world! Tomorrow is my last day in RVA.... still can't believe it.


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