Monday, August 15, 2011

A letter to myself.

At the end of last semester, our small group leaders had us write a letter to ourselves that they would mail to us towards the end of summer. I received mine yesterday...


This year has certainly been a growing period for you, whether you were always aware of it or not. You came in only knowing a hand-full of people. Despite your initial interest in IV, you saw how easy it was to get distracted in your faith. On more than one occasion, you sat in your dorm room and cried-- all the while trying to figure out how you could return to the feeling and faith that you had in youth group. Look at you now. You have learned so much about the Word, and you have a greater understanding of the importance of maintaining faith and trust in God through small group. Through Justice Team, your heart for service had been challenged. Through SAO, you have established the closest relationships you have at JMU. You are a part of a Christ-centered sisterhood. They love you and have built you up in your faith. You have become so much more willing to share your struggles with others-- no longer just the bearer. You've seen the importance of investing in your community of brothers and sisters. You have been truly blessed. AS you go into sophomore year, know that friendships may change and you will continue to be challenged, but Jesus never leaves you. With Him, you will continue to grow and prosper in your faith. Keep grounded in your Father, always.



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