Monday, August 15, 2011

My new addiction....

WORDS WITH FRIENDS! (I know I'm late on that, but still.)
I am currently in 16 separate games... I have no life. Haha. But seriously, I've just been doing this all night. Mostly with Jennifer, which makes it even more lame because we were right next to each other the whole time. Haha! Whatevskies :)

Speaking of Jenn, TODAY (the 14th) WAS HER 17TH BIRTHDAY!!! Yay!

That cake was the bomb. It's one of the Carvel ice cream cakes, but the fact that it looks like a cupcake just makes it that much more legit :) We had dinner at dad's with the grandparents, and I found out that I have no clue how old my dad or my grandparents are. Child/grandchild fail? Maybe. Woops!

As for my morning/early afternoon, it was filled with Echo Sunday School, third service, and Boba with Chandler (not pictured)! Holla!

Okay, I'm sleepy now. Goodnight!


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