Sunday, August 7, 2011

"God bless the broken roooooooad..."

"...that led me straight to youuuuu!" (Now please just imagine me and this little love dancing/signing to that song:
Haha. This afternoon was truly splendid! Juliana and I enjoyed lunch at Panera, which was followed by a trip to the park (where we got rained on), and some boba! (And we honestly didn't plan it, but we were kind of matching.... Haha!)
She is so precious to me! I'm so glad I got to spend my afternoon with her :) She's going to be one of the hardest people to say goodbye to when I have to go back to school. I told her that I wanted to pack her in my suitcase, and she said she was willing! Haha. That could work, right? ;)

After dropping Jules off back at her casa, I got to do a little shopping with Heather and Mama Tobz :) I was so happy to see my Heavs! She was gone for a whole week! But yes, we found sound some pretty lovely deals in Urban. I wasn't able to stay but for so long, though, because Jenn needed to go get some field hockey gear. Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself :)

Jenn and I made a run by Target to get some school essentials for me, so I feel a little more prepared for that. We made a gas/dinner stop at Wawa before rushing home again. You see, I had to pick up Chandler so that we could make it to the Byrd in time for the movie. Well, let me tell you, everybody and their cousin was at that theater tonight! The line to get in there was literally about three blocks long. In-sanity! It was okay though, because the two of us, Kathryn, Elsbeth, and Zach were all able to get tickets/seats. Doing nothing after the movie? Not an option. So naturally, we ended up at Cookout along with Nathan, Brad, and their friend Emily. It was chill :)

Loving my life. Loving my friends :) Goodnight!


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