Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Love language.

So, tonights season finale of Teen Wolf was absolutely epic! I loved it! (Spoiler alert!) I was SO happy because Scott and Allison ended up staying together!
Now I realize that a televised couple is in fact not real, but their on-screen relationship just makes me feel giddy inside! So it got me thinking about my love language-- I think partially because love languages came up in conversation about two weeks ago at Scoob's house. After some thought, I've come to the conclusion is physical touch, or so I think. And I think the love language I'm most receptive to (from a significant other, I mean) is affirmation. (For a friend relationship, I'd say it's quality time.) Funny how a TV show made me think about that, haha. My friend asked me what my love language was a few months ago, actually, and I had no clue! Anyways... Let's move on!

Tonight I led middle school Bible study, and it went smoother than I had anticipated! The kids were participating, and I don't think words can express how much better that made me feel about the whole endeavor. Haha. I won't lie, I was rather anxious. I'm afraid of saying something even the slightest bit off, because it's the Bible! Haha. Messing that up, especially when you're teaching it, would make me feel so awful. But Nikki told me afterwards that I did well, so that definitely made me feel better :) No scriptural mistakes to my knowledge! Praise :)

Well, there wasn't much else about my day that was interesting, so I'll leave it at that. Goodnight, all!


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