Wednesday, August 4, 2010

You can't keep going when I'm right here!

Well, my day began with a friend fail today. First of all, I must have been in some sort of comatose state because I didn't wake up until I got a text at 1:58 PM. I was supposed to meet Lindsay at church at 2..... She had already texted me twice earlier, and I had failed to hear my phone. Thus, I threw my comforter off of me, threw on clothes, threw my hair up, ran down stairs, shoved on some flip flops, and threw myself out the door as I started dialing Lindsay's number. I was frantic to say the least. I hate it when I oversleep like that. It makes my body all stressed and jittery. Anyways, I asked Lindsay to meet me at the Gayton Starbuck's, and I ended up getting there at 2:13; just moments before Lindsay herself. I suppose it could have been worse; in regards to my tardiness. At any rate, we enjoyed some iced beverages and whatnot for a little while before wandering over to the little antique shop called The Attic. We saw some cute aged-looking books, the biggest Bible EVER, a small selection of pipes, picnic baskets, and various kitchen items. After our brief stroll, and a minor stress moment, I followed Lindsay downtown; which was the worst following experience ever. First, I almost hit another car in my blind spot when I was exiting the interstate the we had gotten on that was heading the wrong direction. Then, people were just being jerks and not letting us over. And, once we got on the correct interstate, we had to slam on breaks at one point; which meant I almost hit Lindsay, and the guy behind me came incredibly close to hitting me. Seriously, I couldn't see his hood in my rear-view mirror! Anyways, we both made it to Ellwood's (sp?) in one piece. I was going to leave so that her and Annemarie could have their planned one-on-one hangout time, but they insisted that I stay and join them for sushi; so I did, haha. We enjoyed our delectable sushi rolls while discussing life's ups and downs. Lindsay had to leave a little after 7, so Annemarie and I headed over to church. We socialized with our friends for a bit, and then Annemarie left shortly before 1822 legitimately started. I was incredibly distracted tonight. I don't even remember what Psalm Scoob's sermon was about; which is a shame because some of what he said was really good and relatable to my life. I'll ask around and figure it out. Anyways, after that I met up with Kathryn, Colin, Jesse Roberts, and Josh to but toilet paper to roll Scoob's house. This would have worked out beautifully, except Jesse Woon showed up at Scoob's and thwarted our plan. Kathryn and I ended up rolling the "Sketch pad" again, but we were chased out to the street and they caught us, haha. So then we ended up going back over to Scoobs. Devin had seran-wrapped Kathryn's car, so we tried to roll their house; which was a fail. Shoot, it was a night of fails! But that's okay, we had fun :) Goodnight my loves! Pleasant dreams!


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