Monday, August 23, 2010

FREE Verizon Fios Wireless Router! {Slight water-damage...}

I would say you could go pick it up from Sam, Anthony, and Jeremy's house, but they threw it in the dumpster! Dumb, dumb, dumb....

Alright, so church this morning was lovely as always; at least that's my opinion :) I went to lunch with Heather at Stony Point; where we thought everyone else would be.... Apparently not, haha! We had a nice long convo before she had to depart; at which point I hit up Victoria's Secret. I mean hey, some things are essential before going off to college, haha. Anyways, on the way out to my car I ran into Elsbeth and Whitney. We had a brief parking lot chat before going our separate ways. I came home to tackle the immense amount of laundry that needed to be folded. Then, around 5:30, I went to my dad's to eat dinner and whatnot. Jenn and I ended up leaving around 8:30 though, because Jesse Woon was picking me up at 9! Our plan was to go to Sweet Frog, but they closed t 8:30; even thought the guy on the phone earlier today said 9:30! Ugh! Anyways, Jesse, Whitney and I ended up going to Gelati Celesti; twas yummy! Then, Jesse and I went to get Julie some fries while Whitney went to pick up Chandler. To make a long story short, we messed with Sam, Anthony, Allyson, and Jeremy's house. We TPed it, put tree branches on their porch, put {Cash for Gold, Flag Football, and BJ's} signs in their yard, threw water bottles into the grass, left a traffic cone on their walkway, and scattered random boxes across their yard; one of which had the wireless router in it. Haha! I am so mad that they're already cleaned it all up! Oh well, we got a good laugh out of it :) Haha, after the TP and branches {our first stop} Jeremy and Sam ran out and literally jumped on Whitney's car! Sam got off once we got a little ways up the street, but Jeremy held on for dear life until we went up the road and back to drop him off at their house, haha.
{Jeremy took this on his phone... haha!}

That was very entertaining. I laughed until my eyeballs leaked; not gonna lie :) At any rate, I am home now, and I am conversing with Jeremy via Facebook chat, and he just requested something of me; something that kind of took me off guard and made me really think... He asked me to explain my faith. Just think about that for a second. If someone came up to you this very second and asked you to explain where you were at in your faith, what would you say? How does one go about explaining that accurately? Is there even a correct way to describe that? I'm not sure if I explained it the way he was looking for, but he gave me some incredible advice and encouragement nonetheless. I'm so happy that God has blessed me with such amazing friends and mentors in my life! Whether you all realize it or not, you are the greatest support system I have on this earth. You help provide me with the strength and confidence I need to get through this insane obstacle course that I call my life. I love you with all of my heart; never forget that. Goodnight :)


Anonymous said...

hahahaha how did I sleep through this?!?!?!?! you guys are too funny :)

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