Thursday, August 5, 2010

He was humble, and He loved everyone...

I feel utterly defeated; kind of like I failed to complete a task. I tried the best I could and I don't know if I accomplished anything. I hope I did, but I'm not sure. What else could I have done? What else can I do? I don't want to come across as egotistical, but I'm used to feeling like I at least made some sort of an impact; even if it's only a fraction. I want my friends to know that they are loved and cared for. I want them to know that there are others who are willing to listen to them and talk to them whenever they need someone. I want them to know that they need friends! If you were wondering what my biggest concern was in regards to college, that's it. I'm worried about my friends and their relationships; their well-being. More than anything in life, I want my friends to be happy; completely and unconditionally. I want to know that they are going to be looked after and loved the way that they are now by me. Maybe I can't be everything they need, but I put all of my heart and soul into trying. Are others willing to do the same? I honestly have no way of knowing, and that scares me. I want to always be here to protect my friends, to comfort them, to give them advice, or even just be able to physically sit and listen to them. What happens when I can't? When I'm two hours away, will they still be willing to come to me? Will I know enough about what's going on in their lives to help them? I want to help. I don't want to leave; not yet. I'm not ready. I'm not. Perhaps this all seems a bit childish to you, and maybe you're sitting there thinking, "Why the heck isn't this girl excited to move on with her life?" Well, the truth of the matter is that I feel like everything will change. I'm afraid of friendships diminishing, and trust along with it. I fear that I will be somewhat forgotten, and demoted somehow on the friendship scale. Maybe that sounds ridiculous, but it's how I honestly feel. It puts me on the verge of tears just thinking about leaving. I know that God is faithful and He will not do anything to harm me, but I'm finding it hard to place it all in His hands. I constantly try to do it all myself, because I want to. But I don't have all of the answers for this one, so there's only so much my attempts can accomplish. My loves, find compassion within one another. Love everyone and take initiative! Don't think that people don't care about you because you aren't "best friends." Sometimes it's the people you least expect that will show you the most love. I've learned that in my one year, five months, and eighteen days at WEAG. You all have taught me that. My prayer is that everyone will see you exactly the same way I do; as the beautiful, incredible individuals that you are. I really do Thank God every day for you all. He could not have blessed me with a better family.


Heather Tobey said...

stephanie! that almost made my eyes leak a little bit. haha. i know one thing is for sure, our friendship will not dwindle or lose trust. i love you too much to let something like that happen! i promise you that nothing will change between us. we will talk all the time, praise God for creating the person who created skype! i just really love you and know that you are going to have a more than wonderful time at JMU! i realize this is a scary time in your life but you are strong and you are beautiful in every way. so, i have confidence that you will pass through this scary part of life just fine. friendships are two way thing! don't try to keep up with all of them and stress yourself out if the other friend isn't trying to do anything. just be there for people like you always are. oh my, i love YOU! i cannot wait to come and visit you at JMU! la la la la la! it makes me happy just thinking about it!

Missy Brown. said...

these fears are perfectly normal. and you may not know it but i bet every other senior has the same fears.. but stephanie i will never forget you, or lose my trust and love for you, ever. you're awesome, and whenever you come home for holidays and next summer, i will personally call you and make you hangout with me so i can cry and rant to you to catch you up. haha, i love you, always. never forget that!! college is going to be an amazing experience for you!!

Anonymous said...

My love you are so sweet this brought a tear to my eye! These fears are normal I remember when Laura Bennett left for college we had be inseperable since high school and then she went away it was definetly hard beiing far away from the people you care about but in the end it made our friendship stronger we had to want to make time to talk to each other when we could. and Im sure tha you will do the same. Your gunna enjoy JMU so much you will make new friends and when you come back we will still be here waiting for you! You will always be important to us! To me! I love spending time with you and hanging out when we can! Your about to start a new chapter of your life and your gunna enjoy it! Ill be praying for you! Love you beautiful girl!

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