Monday, August 9, 2010

Watermelon, friends, life, and $0.50 lemonade.

Today was splendid; lovely indeed! I had church in the AM, ate lunch with Heather at Ginger Thai Taste, and then we enjoyed the watermelon festival :)
{Awkward American Apparel add... haha.}
{Why yes, Preston did buy a fanny pack :) }

Twas a wonderful day to spend my day. How did I get blessed with such amazing friends? I feel truly lucky, and thankful. Then, after I came home and crashed on my sofa for about three hours, I had a spontaneous Starbuck's date with Kelly; discussing life and the year that lies ahead. Sometimes it's refreshing to just let out the things that are on your mind :)

And you know, I thought the last song of the worship set today was truly beautiful. It made me excited to meet my Father in Heaven! When you think about how long human's have been in existence {and how long God has been looking out for us}, one lifetime really doesn't seem like much time at all! One day, so very soon, we will be greeted and embraced with unconditional love; so sweet and pure! I think it's an exhilarating thought :) As joyful and loved as I feel here on earth, it's crazy to know that none of it can even compare to what is waiting for me; waiting for us! My dear friends, we are going to have the greatest eternal life imaginable with our Lord and Savior! Get stoked!

My love for you all is eternal and everlasting! I hope your night is filled with pleasant dreams and restful slumber :)


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