Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm feeling inquisitive...

Okay, here's a rundown of my day:

  • Wake up at 7 AM to go and take care of Buddy and Belle.
    • I failed to go by there later on last night; fail.
    • I didn't fall sleep until 4:30 AM.
      • Oh, and I was sleeping on the couch...
  • Come back home and sleep until 12.
  • Go back over to Kelly's to let the dogs out.
  • Take Jenn through the Chick-fil-a drive thru.
    • She can have what she wants on her birthday :)
  • Come home, eat, shower, facebook, and watch Jenn open her presents.
    • She got a Northface raincoat, underarmor sandal shoes, and iHome, and a TV.
  • Help set up Jennifer's new TV.
  • Maggiano's for a five course dinner.
    • My body cannot handle portions of that magnitude anymore!
  • Go home, change clothes, let the dog's out, and go to Sweet Frog.
    • Annemarie, Elsbeth, Colin, Austin, Katherine, Kim, Elizabeth, Alex, Whitney, Carisa, Luke, Zach, Chandler Lizzie, Daniel, and I.
  • Chill on a hill for a spell.
    • Elsbeth, Colin, Kathryn, Austin, and I.
    • It was the hill outside of Barnes & Nobel.
    • Kathryn and I played around while we all just talked and Colin smoked a pipe.
  • Hang out at the bowling alley for a bit.
  • Hit up Buffalo Wild Wings at 11:30.
    • We didn't finished getting served until 12:30 or later.
  • Let the dogs out one more time before coming home.

After spending almost the entire day with my family, I realized something; more like reinforced what I already knew. I am more friend oriented then family oriented. My sisters aren't the problem; not at all. But for some reason, without her even really doing anything, my mother was just irking me. I felt so much frustration inside of me and I have no idea why. As soon as I met up with my friends, every ounce of that frustration was completely forgotten. This isn't really any sort of revelation, but I'm wondering if that's different than it is for most people. What about you? Are you more friend or family oriented? Just think about it for a second. I'm intrigued to see how you categorize yourself. I think the reason I lean away from the family side is because of the differences I've had with them in the past, and the numerous occasions where they've made me feel like a disappointment. My friends have never done that to me; at least not that I can recall. They have been the biggest source of happiness and support in my life, and they're more of my family than the one I was born into. But anyways! Tonight at B-Dubs we were talking about our first impressions of each other; what we thought of each other the first time we encountered them. It was really funny hearing what people thought of me at first. I love those conversations :) So I'm going to ask you all... What did you think of me the first time you met/saw me? Haha, I cannot wait to hear the answers to that question; if you decide to answer it, that is. Goodnight world! I shall see most of you at church in nine hours! I love you!


E.B. said...

i've read that the middle child tends to be more affectionate and open with their friends than with their family. i'm the same way. i'm close to my family, but have a different connection with my friends.

Heather Tobey said...

im close with my family, but i definitely feel like they frustrate me without really doing anything sometimes. its so weird. i am not sure which category i fall into.

i think you have heard me tell you what my first impression of you was... haha. i thought you were one of "those" cheerleaders. so, i was happy to find that you were not and even more happy that we became such tight friends. i was realizing that today, actually. like, i don't mean to snap... but i do sometimes. and most of my friends wouldn't take it as well as you because they may not understand. but you do. i don't know. word. vomit. HAHA!

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