Monday, May 16, 2011

It's not about the money.

This is something I feel like I have to constantly defend myself with, especially with my parents. It's not so much the little things like fighting over meal checks (although I suppose it can apply there, too). It's more like, for example, wednesday when I was talking to my dad about the internship at church. He had asked me how much it paid, and I told him it wasn't a lot. And even though I had already told him how excited I was to be working with youth and to be working at church, he responded with, "Well that's not good." I told him the same thing I said in the title of this post. It's not about the money. He still seemed like he didn't much approve of my decision (or rather, he felt as though I could have done something better), so I told him about other opportunities I have/may be given for this summer that I can do to make extra money. However, I think he misunderstood me and thought I would do those things instead of the internship. Tonight, he asked me if I had given more consideration to teaching dance at the arts camps this summer at church. Umm, NO! I already told him that wasn't happening. (And those of you who have taught dance there before, you understand the caps.) His reason for asking? The payment. I am not doing this internship for financial reasons. I want to be a youth leader, and I want to be to these kids what my youth leaders were to me. Because honestly, they got me through some of my roughest patches (especially senior year), and their encouragement and advice kept me stable. I want to be there for them and be someone they can talk to. I really want to build relationships with them. So, sorry that I won't be raking in the green this summer; I don't go to bed at night dwelling on my bank statements. No, I fall asleep thanking God for the people in my life that He has blessed me with, and giving thanks for the opportunities He's given me. In the end, money doesn't hold much value--at least not for me.

On a lighter note. I had a lovely time at church this morning, and lunch this afternoon! I was rather productive in gift finding! I made four dates for this week! And I talked to Hannah for two hours on Skype! Thus, I am going to bed a happy girl :) Goodnight all! Lub lub!

P.S.- I really like this song. Thank you, Hannah, for giving it to me :)


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