Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The internship started today!

And although I am a little intimidated by some of the rules and whatnot, I am pretty darn stoked :) I've already done my assigned reading, and my verses for this week are all memorized! Now let's just hope I don't get all nervous when someone asks me to recite them and end up forgetting everything. That would be rough; I'm not trying to have my [already tiny] paycheck docked. But yes, after going over the syllabus and getting our ID pictures taken, we went to the funeral in the sanctuary. The service was really very nice. No, I did not know the man who passed, but I know one of his granddaughters (she basically runs the youth department). Everything that was said was just so positive and uplifting. I hope that my funeral has that sort of feel to it; it's a nice change from the more depressed-mourning funerals I've been to. I liked that this service was more-so celebrating the life he had on earth, and rejoicing in the fact that he was now living eternal life with Jesus. I don't know how else to say it; it was nice.

After leaving church, Kathryn and I had a lunch date at Noodles and Company :) As we enjoyed our Pad Thai, we talked about how excited we were to be working with the youth and how especially stoked we are for choir tour! (Of course, there was some reminiscing on our youth group/choir days as well!) We were there for quite some time! Partially because we love to talk, and partially because of the monstrous downpour that was occurring outside. Either way, I really enjoyed that :) Bahhh! We're going to be spending so much time together this summer! So great :)

My dinner date this evening was with my darling Stephanie :) I introduced her to real quality sushi, and I am happy to say that she likes it! I am so glad, too; haha. I always feel bad when I go to a restaurant with someone (particularly a sushi place) and they hate the food, because then they're just kind of stuck, you know? But no worries, she gave it a thumbs up! They also gave us 4 free pieces of the sweet potato roll as a sort of appetizer. Ummm, SO GOOD! I may have to order it next time, just saying. But aside from the food, I was so incredibly happy that I got to hang out with Stephanie! Going from seeing her every day to barely seeing her once a week is so rough! I'm just thankful that she lives so close!

What also made me happy was that Steph came to 1822 with me tonight! By the way, 1822 was awesome tonight! It was a worship night, and I loved the music set, the prayer time, and just the message in general about not making yourself carry your burdens alone. And by lifting up your burdens, you are allowing God to pour into you by reaching out to Him. It was good, really good. I'm also happy that I got see and introduce Stephanie to a bunch of people whom I love dearly :) Even if people were climbing one another, pretending to kiss each other, and mauling people with hugs-from-behind, I think she liked everyone (or as much as you can like a person after only having a first impression), haha! She may even want to come back! That makes me happy, too :) The more Steph-squared time I can put in my life, the better!

As for the rest of my evening, I spent it at Elizabeth's house with a rather large group of people :) This summer really is like last summer; we're all just one year older! It's so great :) Daniel and I made a McDonald's run. We watched what is probably the worst quality zombie movie ever made (thank you, Fearnet... this is why we watch you). We gave a 13 year old girl (who was a stranger) life advice over video-chatting, and toward the end we decided to watch Old School. Throw in lots of joke-cracking and dry sarcasm, and you have our night in a nutshell! Haha :) I love it!

Well, I rolled in the house about an hour ago (aka 2 AM-ish), and I think I am now ready to call it a night. I woke up at 7 this morning, so I'm pretty excited to sleep until noon tomorrow; haha! Goodnight darlings :) Sleep well!


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