Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Beach Bums and Lemon Cake.

A majority of my day today was spent at the beach. It was nice to just bask in this lovely weather with friends. The smell of sunscreen, freezing cold water, sporadic wind, sunburn.... what more could you ask for out of a day trip?! Haha :) And even though Julie's GPS was acting quite ridiculous on the way there, and we had a mild case of car sickness, it was an essentially care-free mini-vacation. Oh! And 1822 was quite fun tonight! We grilled out (oh my goodness I ate A TON! Two hotdogs and a cheeseburger....) and we worshiped outside; just our voices and Anthony's acoustic. It was lovely; as was Scoob's sermon on seeing Jesus's resurrection every day and in every part of our lives. Then, after a brief period of socializing, a group of us went over to the Kelly's; where the girls talked to Mrs. Kelly and she fed us lemon cake (which was superb). I do love my friends. You all make my life complete and keep a smile on my face :) What can I say, you light up my life!

Fact: When I go to Subway, I always get a foot-long sub; and eat the whole thing in one sitting. Hey, it's only five dollars, and six inches just doesn't cut it for me. Haha, I may regret these dietary decisions when I'm older...


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