Friday, January 6, 2012

"To be bold

is to be confident in the Gospel." -Louie Giglio

I just finished watching the stream of the final session of Passion 2012, and more than ever I wish I had considered going to this conference. Even sitting on my bed in my pajamas, I was moved. I mentioned last night that I needed to be bold. When I said this, however, the focus was on a primarily internalized/personal level. After listening to Giglio, I am further convicted my proclamation of faith needs to be intentionally made known to those around me. I don't need a blow horn or giant banner, but I do need to have the confidence to stand firm even when those around me are in blatant opposition to my Father and His Truth. In the face of adversity, the last characteristic I need to embody is timidity. Louie was right when he said that we never really know how close someone is to coming to Christ. We might think that our efforts stand no possibility of bearing fruit, but we cannot forget that this is the Holy Spirit that is at work here, not our mere human selves! We, even as a university-aged generation, have the power to impact the world in the name of Jesus, but that means that we have to be fearless. We cannot be phased by hurdles, and we have to eliminate fears that stand to sabotage the mission God has placed before you. I'm not saying it's going to be easy; the Lord knows that any righteous endeavor comes with some degree of struggle. But if we do everything in the name of our Father with a pure heart and a fire burning within us, nothing can stand against us in spreading the glory of the Gospel. Our God is for us!

"Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel."
{Ephesians 6:19}

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
{Colossians 3:17}

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"
{Romans 8:31}

For anyone, like myself, who was not in Atlanta, GA for Passion, I found this blog, where a man named Brian took notes on each session. (There are links to all previous sessions at the top of the linked page.) No, it isn't the talks in their entirety, but I am grateful for the resource nonetheless! Some of you may be as well :)

If you want to financially contribute to the mission to end modern day slavery, you can still Give to Freedom! It still blows my mind (and the utmost praise be to God!) that the people involved in Passion raised over $3 million, but there is always more support that can be given and is needed. There are 27 million slaves in the world today, and our generation can be the one that diminishes that statistic, God willing. Even if your donation is small, like mine was, it can help make a world of difference to the countless women and children that are in need of salvation. From your heart, give freely.

Goodnight, dear friends. May the Lord bless you, always :)


Brian Alexander said...

Stephanie, thanks so muh for visting ny blog and linking to my notes. I am trying to be a sharer more than a consumer this year in 2012. I know you've been blessed by the notes already and I hope that your community here will be as well! :) Thanks again!

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