Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Something I am not good at receiving:


I feel terrible when it is offered to me. I often refuse it, but as I go on I keep noticing this trend where people disregard my refusal and force their assistance on me anyways. Now, please do not take that statement as one that has underlying anger or complaint; I meant nothing of the sort. I love my friends, and their sacrificial hearts touch my deeply. I just hate making others feel like they need to help me, because I feel like they shouldn't have to feel like they have to! They claim that they want to, and they insist that it isn't a big deal. Truly, though, it is. Perhaps it's an issue of pride on my part; maybe I'm just stubborn. Either way, I have friends that are far too kind. And I hope that, one day, I will be able to repay them for the countless ways in which they have insisted upon helping me, because I don't want to be that friend. You know what I mean? Blah, maybe this post doesn't make any sense...

Goodnight loves.


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