Friday, January 20, 2012

Anxious nervous and anxious excited!

Anxious nervous: I'm leading my first Bible study tomorrow. Ahhhh! This semester, my sisters and I will be diving into a "Women of the Bible" series. And since I'm head of B-stud committee, I decided I should take on the first one. I'm nervous because I've never really put a study together and carried it out all by myself. Okay,of course it's not ALL by myself, my study Bible has been a HUGE help. (I mean, imagine THAT.... Hahaha.) I just hope everything goes smoothly and that it doesn't end up being super short and that the girls like it. (That run-on sentence should be an indicator of those nerves I was talking about, haha.) It's at 1:00 PM tomorrow, technically today, so if you get a chance and would like to say a quick prayer for me, I would greatly appreciate it!

Anxious excited: On a whim of spontaneity, myself and about nine of my sorority sisters are coming to Richmond Saturday evening through Sunday! BAHH! They really want to hit up the J. Crew warehouse sale (which is the reason behind us going). Haha. I've already been, so I probably won't be making any further purchases, but YESSS! I'm excited because 1) This is going to be a GIANT sleepover at my house! Haha. and 2) I'm going to get to see my beloved church family on Sunday!!! Eeeeep! I am just so excited! And I'm think I might have some of you RVA loves come over for a movie or something Saturday night too :) A LOT of girls? Yes. Crowded? Oh definitely. Fun? I THINK IT WOULD BE :)

:) :) :) :) I just don't even know what else to say. Haha. Have a lovely night/day everyone! I love you all!


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