Thursday, January 12, 2012

Another rainy day.

And hump-day no less! Bahh! This morning was quite good, though it was followed up with dateless lunch, monotonous work, unenthusiastically spending over $10 on a printer cartridge, and trudging through the monsoon that the clouds unleashed. But let's not dwell on that stuff, let's talk about the happier things!

Modern was a "go over the syllabus" day, but we did a little floor barre with the remaining 20 minutes we had. All I could think about were the countless days I spent laying on the CFA dance studio floor with Finkerbelle :) Then, in Improv, we did different movement playing with weightedness (weighing 4 tons/being lighter than air) and leading with different body parts (right knee/nose/left side of the pelvis) on the low, middle, and high levels. I can tell that I'm going to enjoy this class :) It's just very relaxed and open to freedom of expression without the burden of rules or technical restrictions! Since that class concluded my first official week of my dance classes, I just felt like I had to text Fink and tell her how thankful I was for the training she provided me with, because without her there is NO way I would be on par with these other dancers. So I did just that :) And in her response, she said that she "miss[ed] [my] brightness in her class." I just wanted to hug her when she said that! I was so touched. I never knew that she saw a brightness in me, and it was just the sweetest thing to hear from a teacher I respect so much. I owe a lot to her, I really do!

Small group was nice tonight, too! We all shared about our breaks :) I got super excited talking about mine, and I had quite a few people laughing. Haha! It's fine :) I got a little distracted in the middle of it when I saw the Voldemort puppet pal chilling on top of their Christmas tree.... HAHA! It threw me off rullll bad! But yes, I splurged about the exciting endeavors Heather and I are currently pursuing, and they were all excited for us too, I think! I think they were also like "woahhhh!" because I was super stoked while I was talking. Haha. But yes, so that was good. We also broke into our first tiny groups! I'm with Bonnie-Jean, Alyssa, and Samantha :) This will be fun, I do believe!

Friends, can I also just say how much more at peace I've been feeling since I started reading the Bible every day? I've actually been doing it, and it's fantastic! I can feel my faith growing, and it's just been amazing! I'm reading the New Testament from start to finish, so I am currently in Matthew :) I plan to keep this up! I've even been carrying one of my Bibles in my backpack at all times so that I can read it in my spare time before/in between/after class. No excuses for me! Huzzah!

Goodnight loves :)


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