Saturday, October 1, 2011

Last day of September!

I know that there are so many people who are stoked for the start of October! Everyone is excited for it to "feel like fall." Now personally, I'm horribly decisive, so I do not have a favorite season. However, I am really excited to do things like pumpkin picking, dress up on halloween, wear my peacoat, and watch all of the leaves fall in an ever-so picturesque way :) The more I think about it, I suppose I'm pretty pumped for legit autumn as well :)

I got to get lunch with Brandi today! I was so excited because it's only the second time I've gotten to hang out with her one-on-one this year. I just love her so much :) I want more of her in my life. There was an SAO hangout in TDU for both sisters and candidates at noon, so we went there after we had enjoyed our meal together :) There was lots of laughing, a little bit of singing, and some wonderful fellowship :) There was this live performer, so at one point all of TDU was singing along to "Sweet Caroline!" Haha. It was so great.

Now, if I told you that I had been productive and done some work after that, I would be lying to you. Instead, my trip to Carrier was a social hour. I saw/talked to Ally, Nicole, Lauren (Delta), Hannah, Brittany, and Jenna up until it was time for SAO Bible study, which was very good :) Taylor did a splendid job putting it together! Our theme for this semester is going in depth to the "Sunday School stories" people learn as children, but never really learned how to apply them. This is a very good thing for me, because honestly, not having grown up in the church, my knowledge of the Old Testament is subpar to say the least. But yes, that was good. Then from there it was time for the pep rally on the quad (...and taking a break to run and pick stuff up from my madre)! That was fun :) Exit 247B Flat was very funny, and I got to see Ashanti perform with the cheerleaders! She was my flyer for three years at the Herm, and seeing her flying and tumbling  and just everything really gave me this "proud parent" moment :) It was awesome.

After the pep rally was officially over, the DJ was still playing music, so we kind of stuck around for a bit. Well, this guy starts dancing by himself in front of the DJ booth by Wilson steps, and he is really good... To make this brief, he started popping his booty. So, in a moment of spontaneity, I go up to him, tap him on the shoulder, and we proceed to do the salt shaker/booty pop together in front of whoever was still around. Haha. My sisters went nuts, and apparently a guy from Young Life was surprised that we were the Christian sorority. Haha! (Not in like a bad way, he was just kind of shocked I guess!) So that was great :) To conclude the night, a bunch of us went back to the Fishbowl to watch Bridesmaids and just hang out, which was lovely :) I love my sisters! Eeeep! (And the fact that I'm going to be living there next year also makes me very very excited!) We also got some entertainment from Lauren's fiance, Josh. Just take a look :)

He is too funny :) Well, on that note, goodnight all!


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