Tuesday, October 11, 2011

God can't be put in a box.

It's so easy to have set "expectations" when it comes to our picture or concept of God. If we're being honest with ourselves, there is no way that we have it right. We just don't. He can't be compared to anything on this earth, because nothing here is close enough in greatness to even be considered for comparison. And I know it is easy for us to say that we know that God loves everyone, but take a moment and really mull that over. He loves that person who said rude things to you throughout your entire high school career. He loves that person that took your loved one away from you. He loves that parent that left you. He loves that sex offender you saw on the news. He loves the cyber bully, the traffickers, the "johns," the bombers, and the traitors. God is love. You be sitting there and thinking, "Those people do not deserve to be loved by God." Well, dear friends, the truth is that we don't deserve it either. We are so blessed to have a Father whose love is unending and unconditional. One day we will be in the presence of that Love, and oh what a glorious day it shall be!


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