Friday, October 14, 2011

Stephanie didn't kick us out until 1:15 AM....

And I tried to do her a favor by suggesting we leave at 12:15... Silly little love of mine :) Her 8 AM is going to be a dragggg! (Hey, I tried!) But anyways....

I got to sleep in today since my 9:30 was canceled, so I woke up around 10:45. I took my online SOWK 287 test and went to SOWK 288 as per usual. Class was pretty intriguing; our discussion on poverty continues to remind me how blessed I am to have been born into the class/family I'm in. We had to try to budget for a family scenario we were given at random, and here was my group's info: Two African American homosexual males with a nine year-old daughter. We were of the Lutheran faith, had an old beat-up looking truck that looked like it came straight out of Twilight, and each man only worked 20 hours a week on minimum wage. Oh, and we got "a twist" thrown in there.... Ours ended up being that the female in our family got pregnant. (Yes, that means the nine year-old daughter.) I'll spare all the details, but we ended up with $0 left at the end of each month after paying for necessities. And that was before the pregnancy twist... Rough. I am so thankful that these poverty simulations are not my reality. It's a blessing I often take for granted.

I grabbed some lunch for myself before taking another much-needed nap in the giant Festival bean bag chairs. (Those things really are incredible.) Once my alarm went off, it was time to get ready for work. I was in the deli again, and things went much smoother this week. I got to talk with some of my co-workers, and one of them is actually a junior social work major! So that was exciting :) The time went by pretty slow, but that's alright really. I can't complain. I mean shoot, I'm employed! That deserves a praise!

As for the rest of my night, I went to Stephanie's apartment with Hannah and Rachel :) We watched "Music and Lyrics" (such a cute movie!)....

...and YouTubed for hours afterward!

(I wanted Lizzie's pants SO badly when I was a kid!)

Well that gives you an idea of what our YouTube endeavors entailed! I do love my sisters :) And I love you all! Goodnight!


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