Thursday, October 20, 2011

The cash register still overwhelms me...

But only because it has so many gosh-dern buttons on the touch screen!
Today was Day 2 as a cashier at my job in Market One. It did go much better than last week; I didn't need someone over my shoulder the whole time! It still makes me anxious, though, when I don't know where to find a certain item or my line gets really long. Suzanne says speed will come with time. I sure hope she's right! Also, I always feel a little awkward when I see people I know. Haha. I saw quite a few people today, and something about standing there with a tucked-in purple polo with my hair pulled back and no jewelry just feels odd. Haha. I don't even know if that makes sense.... Anyways!

I got to get lunch with my good friend, Taylor (aka my middle school bff!) today :) I'm so glad we finally got to get together, because I haven't gotten to really hang out with her in about two months! I love her :)

I signed up for driving school today. Yay? Well, the good news is that I will be taking it with my friends Mina and Sarah from my small group! That should make the time pass in a less panful fashion :)

I'm going to be a fairy for Halloween :) Yes, I went to cutsie route, but I'm okay with that! I'm just glad I have something to wear! Haha. (And it only took a little over an hour for me to make up my mind... Rough.)

I grabbed dinner with Stephanie before going to a CR event for SAO :) We made little boxes to put our prayers in, and I'm pretty excited to use it! I would post a picture, but I unfortunately left it in the cup holder of my car. Fail. I'll jump on that ASAP.

I interviewed with my RA, Lizzie, tonight. She is really nice, and I'm glad I got to chat with her for a little while :) Brianna and I were googling things and came across a picture that made us laugh until we both leaked. I won't post it on here though, because it is just THAT awkard. Haha. I miss having big laughing sessions with my roomz. Hardly ever seeing each other has hindered the available time we have to partake in things like that. Maybe that will change soon! Once my schedule gets a little less hectic...

Well loves, I am quite tired, and my bed is calling my name! Goodnight :)


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